The path
The path by FluffinRayRayover 3 years ago
I'm hitting rock bottom. It can't be long now.
Despair by FluffinRayRayover 3 years ago
Thank You
Despair by FluffinRayRayover 3 years ago
You watched me. Now you know my deepest secret. it was on a freezing cold night. The moon exposed. You did see me hurt myself, in every way I could. Spanked and whipped and humiliated by two abusive mistresses who didn't understand what was going on. They laughed and tortured me some more. I wish it was you. I wish it was you! You would have done it to build me up to get me back on track. My pain inside was so excruciating that by hurting myself it could've numbed. You saw and understood. You didn't judge me. I know you wouldn't. Could you do more than understanding? Could you love me? Could you heal me inside? Could you lead me from the freezing moon to the warm sun in my hearth? I can't find the sun inside can you help me to feel the warmth again? Could you ignite the fire in my heart again?
Despair by FluffinRayRayover 3 years ago
You watched me!
The path
The path by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
to fluffinRayRay and other cams. My baseline drums so low. Every breath I heave to decide to take the next one. Your audience is a part of my room. We all see and hear you but are even afraid to let out voices heard. Even so we hide behind some symbols and tokens. Ashamed of our lust for this fresh meat we cannot touch nor devour. Cowardly hidden no risk to be hurt. What is it with your genitals? they promise life and care. Unconsciously we long to be that special one. Who do you see in that camera lens but a small spec of yourselves? Your audiance see so much more... E.T.
The path
The path by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
Hey rays you promissed to read and recod your poem:)
The path
The path by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
A fear I am the pure terror.
The path
The path by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
dozing off; I'm an old guy .Sometimes I capture the bizzar places my thoughts take me. How to take control over it? I fear life itself. And you can only fear the future. and the future is certain. it' ends in the grave I better enjoy the rest of the trip instead of dreading it. Thx for this poem. i love your soul
Touched by a flower
Touched by a flower by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
Beautifull. i makes me see my fading looks at my misses. i'm not supposed to use her like that
Split by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
we are living it
You. by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
Condemned to poetry
Condemned to poetry by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
I want to take you to Peru ( )and drink ayahuasca in a ceremony and see if ghosts can hug each other
Condemned to poetry
Condemned to poetry by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
I wanne hug you but what would it help? One ghost hugging another
Schizo by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
You're the living Kali
Despair by FluffinRayRayabout 4 years ago
Thank you for sharing

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